Holy Cross Anglican Church Hackett

Sharing God's love through Beauty, Truth and Goodness with the people of Canberra’s Inner North

Joint Service, 31 May, 6pm

Welcome to our Ecumenical Service for Christian Unity Week, held jointly with St Margaret’s Uniting Church and our friends from Holy Rosary Catholic Church (and possibly others too!). Our worship features music from Taizé, a video about the Global Christian Forum by the Chemin Neuf Community, and the latest socially distanced recording by the Good Faith Choir.

Click on the link to join the service. We begin the service at 6pm, and the link will be live from 5.50pm. Have a blessed Pentecost evening.

Sunday worship, 31 May

Welcome to Holy Cross – we’re delighted that you can join us for worship on Pentecost Sunday. Our 9.30am service today will include prayers for National Reconciliation Week, and also for the Unity of Christians. We’ll also be having a special joint service at 6pm with our friends from St Margaret’s Uniting Church – information on how to join this service will be on this web site from 5.30pm today.

Click on the link to join us for our Morning Service via Zoom. The service will begin at 9.30am and the link is live from 9.00am. Kids Church material is available below. Have a blessed Sunday!

Wednesday Eucharist, 10am

Click on the link to join us via Zoom.

ACT Churches Council – Christian Unity Week Joint Service

Catch up with this special 2020 Week of Prayer of Christian Unity joint service, and join in worship with Christians from across a wide range of ACT churches praying together: “Thy Kingdom Come”.

Poem: “After the Ascension”

No one wanted to look at each other.
No one wanted to speak, to be the first

to speak…

Carrie Fountain

Holy Cross and St Margaret’s have recently moved to a weekly “Eco-Minute” in our Sunday worship, to ensure that we pray regularly for our Carbon Action Project, which forms part of our wider commitment to God’s mission in the world.

On 24 May, Ascension Sunday, our “Eco-Minute” was a poem by Carrie Fountain, published in the online journal ECOTHEOREVIEW. You can read it here:

Sunday worship, 24 May

Welcome to our Sunday worship: today is the fourth of our four-part sermon series on the theme of “Praise” – it’s also the start of the 2020 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. (Our sermons are available on the “Videos and Podcasts” tab on this website, and on the Holy Cross Hackett YouTube channel – you can also find a weekly message by Bishop Mark Short on the Anglican Diocese’s YouTube channel.)

To join our service today, click here for the Zoom link. The service will begin at 9.30am and the link is live from 9.00am. Kids Church material is available below. Have a blessed Sunday!

Wednesday Eucharist, 10am

Click on the link to join us via Zoom.

Sunday worship, 17 May

Welcome to our Sunday worship: today is the third of our four-part sermon series on the theme of “Praise”. (Our sermons are available on the “Videos and Podcasts” tab on this website, and on the Holy Cross Hackett YouTube channel – you can also find a weekly message by Bishop Mark Short on the Anglican Diocese’s YouTube channel.)

To join our service today, click here to open the Zoom link. The service will begin at 9.30am and the link is live from 9.00am. Kids Church material is available below. Have a blessed Sunday!

Wednesday Eucharist, 10am

Click on the link to join us via Zoom.

Sunday worship, 10 May

Welcome to our Sunday worship: today is the second of our four-part sermon series on the theme of “Praise”. (Our sermons are available on the “Videos and Podcasts” tab on this website, and on the Holy Cross Hackett YouTube channel.)

To join our service today, click here to open the Zoom link. The service will begin at 9.30am and the link is live from 9.00am. Kids Church material is available below. Have a blessed Sunday!

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