Holy Cross Tuckerbox is a volunteer run food pantry to assist people with tight budgets. Food and grocery items are provided by Foodbank NSW/ACT, OzHarvest, Second Bite, with extra food purchased by Tuckerbox.

A variety of people belong to our community — families, pensioners, people living with disabilities, students, etc are members of Tuckerbox. We are a self-funded organisation.

Participation is by an annual registration fee of $2 per family. Groceries and other items are available at a reduced cost. Bread, fresh fruit and vegetables are free after shopping. We usually have a good supply but we cannot guarantee what will be available.

Tuckerbox is open from 1-4pm, with entry numbers and registration commencing at 12:30pm.

Maggie's Café is open from 11:30am-3pm. Drop in for afternoon tea and enjoy scrumptious homemade goodies and a chat. The café is open to the wider community.

Meg's Toy Box is a non-profit toy library run by volunteers open from 2-4pm on Saturdays and 10-12pm  Wednesdays.

Orange Sky laundry is onsite every Saturday providing washing services from 1-3pm.

Holy Cross is passionate about trying to reduce waste and endeavours to reduce, reuse and recycle. Come and find hidden treasures and many bargains at our White Elephant stall from 10am through to 3pm.

You are always welcome!

Use the contact box below to get in touch!

Contact Tuckerbox

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