Holy Cross Anglican Church Hackett

Sharing God's love through Beauty, Truth and Goodness with the people of Canberra’s Inner North

Retreat in Daily Life

A “Retreat in Daily Life” gives you a special opportunity to draw closer to God in your personal prayer at home, by following a set pattern of prayerful meditations on Scripture passages over several days. Our Retreat in Daily Life will be drawing on the wisdom of Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of Ignatian spirituality.

The Retreat in Daily Life has been designed so that you can do it on your own, in your own time: you’ll find all the necessary resources and information on this web page. It can also be helpful to gather a few other people (e.g. members of a prayer group, a parish or ecumenical group …) to do the Retreat together over one calendar week, in which case the group should start together with an initial meeting on Sunday, and then close together with a final meeting the following Sunday. Please contact rector@holycrosshackett.org.au for more advice on doing the Retreat as a group.

You’ll need to set aside about an hour each day for the Retreat in Daily Life. All you’ll need to take part is a quiet corner, a Bible, a notebook … and the desire to deepen your relationship with God and discover the call of Christ for your life.

Before you begin, you will need to watch the two short introductory videos on the Holy Cross YouTube Channel (on “Praying with a Bible Passage” and “Praying the Examen”). Below you’ll find the handouts referred to in the videos, which you can print out – or save on your device – and use as a guide for your prayer during the week.

The programme is then as follows:

  • six 20 minute talks (Monday to Saturday), posted on the Holy Cross YouTube Channel, for you to watch in your own time
  • six 30 minute prayer exercises (introduced at the end of the daily talk), for you to do in your own time
  • a short prayer exercise (the “Examen”), to do at the end of each day

Once you have completed the Retreat:

  1. Please click here to give us your feedback (via Google Forms)
  2. If you would like to make a financial contribution to Holy Cross to support our retreat ministries, please click here for our bank details (and mark your donation “Retreat”)


You might also find the following useful:

If you have any questions then feel free to contact rector@holycrosshackett.org.au. Have a good time of prayer!

Walk through our Trinity Labyrinth

At this time many members of our community are self-isolating, in quarantine, or having to stay within their local community. Whether you are unable to visit our site in person, or you are choosing to stay at home for the safety of yourself and our community, the peace of God can offer solace for all pilgrims. We invite you to find rest and renewal in meeting the Creator, the Redeemer and the Spirit as you take a prayerful virtual walk through our Trinity Labyrinth with us.

This Week at Holy Cross

Canberra is in lockdown at present, so all our regular church activities will be exclusively on Zoom – they are all accessible via the same link (unless otherwise noted): click HERE to join us. The schedule for the week ahead is as follows:


  • 8.45am: Zoom room opens for chat
  • 9.15am: Sunday service (followed by coffee and chat)
  • 10.30am: personal prayer in small groups for those who wish


  • 7.30am: Morning Prayer


  • 9.45am: Zoom room opens for chat
  • 10am: Eucharist (followed by coffee and chat)
  • 7pm: Young Adults Fellowship – NB separate Zoom link: email rector@holycrosshackett.org.au if interested


  • 8.45am: Zoom room opens for chat
  • 9.15am: Sunday service (followed by coffee and chat)
  • 10.30am: personal prayer in small groups for those who wish

We look forward to sharing this time of worship and fellowship with you. Stay safe, keep well, and God bless you all.

Sunday worship, 8 August

A very warm welcome to our 9am Eucharist today.

Click on the link to join us via Zoom. Have a blessed Sunday!

On Care for our Common Home

Do you have a passion for caring for creation? Do you want to join a dialogue with other Christians and people of goodwill from across Canberra? Then please come along to our joint study course on Pope Francis’s encyclical on integral ecology, “Laudato Si”, run jointly with Holy Rosary Catholic and St Margaret’s Uniting Churches.

“Laudato Si” is one of the most significant and intellectually compelling studies of our current climate crisis, and has been widely acclaimed by Christian and secular commentators alike. It is available free online here: https://www.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/encyclicals/docume nts/papa-francesco_20150524_enciclica-laudato-si.html

The course is run fortnightly on Tuesdays 7.30pm, starting 10 August. All are welcome and there is no charge. To attend please book online at: https://www.trybooking.com/BSSOB.

Sunday worship, 1 August

Welcome to our 9am Eucharist today. Our guest preacher and presider is the Revd Ian Chaplin.

Click on the link to join us via Zoom. Have a blessed Sunday!

Sunday worship, 25 July

Welcome to our Sunday Eucharist – our preacher today is Richard Johnstone.

Click on the link to join us via Zoom. Have a blessed Sunday!

Wednesday 10am Eucharist, 21 July

Click on the link to join us via Zoom.

Small table with stone labyrinth and singing bowls

Parish women’s retreat 30 July-1 August

Are you a busy woman needing a break? Ask about the Holy Cross Women’s Retreat being held from 30 July to 1 August by the shores of Lake George. There are options to come for the whole time, or just for a day to find some rest.

Contact rector@holycrosshackett.org.au by 23 July. Be quick, as there are not many spots left.

Sunday worship, 18 July

Welcome to our 9am Eucharist on the 8th Sunday after Pentecost.

Click on the link to join us via Zoom. Have a blessed Sunday!

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