Welcome to our spring Sustainability Festival in partnership with St Margaret’s Uniting Church, which this year is entirely online. All events are free, open to all, and can be accessed via the usual Holy Cross Zoom link: https://adcg.zoom.us/j/5675297261
- Saturday 18 September, 4pm – COP26 : Australia and avoiding dangerous climate change, with Jamie Isbister, Australia’s Ambassador for the Environment – more details at https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/cop26-australia-and-avoiding-dangerous-climate-change-tickets-169558045679
- Sunday 19 September, 9.30am – joint Celebration of Creation Service, live-streamed from under the flowering cherry tree
- Saturday 25 September, 4pm – Hannah Ford and Isobel Bender “A Journey of Cultural Learning”
- Saturday 2 October, 4pm – Sustainability in the ACT: Community conversation with Shane Rattenbury, ACT Attorney General – more details at https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/sustainability-in-the-act-community-conversation-with-shane-rattenbury-tickets-169560924289
- Saturday 9 October, 4pm – ACT for Bees “Bee Friendly Gardening”
- Saturday 16 October, time TBC – poetry reading with Geoff Page and John Foulcher
- Sunday 17 October, 9.30am – joint service with St Margaret’s for Global Climate Justice Day
As part of the Festival, below you’ll find a gallery of images that celebrate nature / sustainability / the environment and/or the challenges of community during the pandemic. There will be a special section of the gallery especially for younger members, so please encourage our Holy Cross kids / youth to submit their photos and artwork. Please email contributions to gallery@holycrosshackett.org.au