Holy Cross Anglican Church Hackett

Sharing God's love through Beauty, Truth and Goodness with the people of Canberra’s Inner North

Holy Cross regular Sunday worship in person and online

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All are welcome to join us for our regular Sunday Eucharist worship services at 9am each week. During school terms these include kids’ church and activities for families with young children. For those who can’t be with us in person, you are welcome to join our weekly Sunday worship online via Zoom.

Occasional joint services with St Margaret’s take place at 9.30am as noted in our church calendar.

God’s Mercy in the Economy

The fourth Sunday of Lent saw our Lenten series God’s Mercy in our World continue with Diwa Hopkins speaking on God’s Mercy in the Economy. You can listen again here:

Holy Week and Easter services

Mohammed Ali is Founder and President of HelpingACT

Lunch with Canberra Citizen of the Year

Canberra Citizen of the Year 2022, Mohammed Ali, has been recognised for his work as a member of the ACT Refugee Asylum Seeker and Humanitarian Coordination Committee, and for establishing HelpingACT

We are delighted to welcome Canberra Citizen of the Year, Mohammed Ali, President and founder of Helping ACT, to speak at our Senior’s Lunch on 30 March.

Join us for a morning of fellowship and worship.

  • 10.00am: Service of Holy Communion (for those who wish)
  • 10.45am: Morning Tea
  • 11.00am: speaker – Canberra Citizen of the Year 2022 Mohammed Ali 
  • 12.00pm: chicken and champagne lunch
  • Suggestion donation (at the door): $10 

Please register at to join us using the form below or at: holycrosshackett.org.au/lunch

native pea bush in front of fire-impacted landscape

Lenten series on God’s Mercy

Our Lenten worship in Holy Cross this year focuses on God’s Mercy in our World through a series of sermons from our Holy Cross and wider community.

The series opened on the 2nd Sunday in Lent with a talk on God’s Mercy for the Environment. You can listen to it again here.

God’s Mercy for the Environment, 2nd Sunday in Lent, Holy Cross Hackett

For the 3rd Sunday in Lent, we heard from St John’s Care on the critical work they do caring for members of our community who are facing hard times, and the importance of mercy at these times for helping people facing hardship get back on their feet. This is a window into God’s Mercy for society. As part of hearing God’s call for mercy in society, at Holy Cross our Lenten journey includes a renewed focus on our weekly giving to St John’s Care.

Tomorrow we will hear about God’s Mercy in the Economy.

We invite you to join us in our journey, in worship and through these podcasts. And as we walk together we invite you to ask how God is calling you in your heart to be part of God’s mercy for our world.

Pancakes … and Lent at Holy Cross

Join us Tuesday 1 March 6pm for pancakes in the church! Family friendly, free (donations welcome), open to all! Book online: holycrosshackett.org.au/pancakes

You’ll also find our Lent programme below, with something for all ages – please do come along and join us.

Holy Roundabout Youth Group

We are launching a new regular Sunday afternoon youth group for 11-17s this term!

Check out the flyer below for more details … All welcome!


All our Christmas services (other than the Kids Nativity) will be available on Zoom: click here to join.


5pm: Kids Nativity

– this will be held OUTSIDE under the cherry tree, by request of parents who would prefer their children to be in a space with better ventilation. The weather should be fine. Bring a rug if you want somewhere comfortable to sit! Chairs will also be available.

11pm: Midnight Mass in the church


9am: All Age Eucharist in the church (NB no morning tea will be served)

BOXING DAY, Sun 26 Dec

10am: a simple said Eucharist, followed by morning tea in the Annex

Christmas Events

Join the Holy Cross community and friends for our Christmas events! All welcome.

Kids Christmas Party banner

Kids’ Christmas Party

Some of our Holy Cross kids have got together and planned a kids’ church Christmas party for the last Sunday before Christmas! If you have kids in the neighbourhood who would like to have fun, share gifts, enjoy games and Christmas treats and share in the story of Jesus, please have them come along.

We are inviting all kids to dress Christmassy and bring a small gift ($10 limit) for another child around their age if they’d like to take part in our Secret Santa.

Please register here so we know who will be joining us:

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