Holy Cross Anglican Church Hackett

Sharing God's love through Beauty, Truth and Goodness with the people of Canberra’s Inner North

Wednesday 10am Eucharist

Click on the link to join us via Zoom.

Sunday worship, 30 August

Today some of us are gathering in person in the church at 9.30am, and others of us will be joining by Zoom. Wherever we are worshipping today, let’s rejoice in our unity in Christ.

Click on the link to join us via Zoom. Have a blessed Sunday!

Wednesday 10am Eucharist

Click on the link to join us via Zoom.

Sunday worship, 23 August

Today some of us are gathering in person in the church at 9.30am, and others of us will be joining by Zoom. Wherever we are worshipping today, let’s rejoice in our unity in Christ.

Click on the link to join us by Zoom. (NB the link has been reset – if you were having problems it should now work.) Have a blessed Sunday!

Wednesday 10am Eucharist

Click on the link to join us via Zoom.

Carbon Action Project at Home

To help reduce energy usage and save money around the home the Holy Cross and St Margaret’s Carbon Action Project team have produced an information package entitled ‘Energy Smart Actions.’ It includes:

  • a list of tips for saving energy
  • the link for using the on-line Australian Greenhouse Calculator (for those wanting a closer look at their cartoon footprint); and
  • a Data Sheet to make a carbon action plan and record results.

Our hope is to support and inspire households in North Canberra to reduce our emissions and go carbon-neutral. Please use these resources and let us know how you go.

Sunday worship, 16 August

Today some of us are gathering in person in the church at 9.30am, and others of us will be joining by Zoom. Wherever we are worshipping today, let’s rejoice in our unity in Christ.

Click on the link to join us via Zoom. Have a blessed Sunday!

Wednesday 10am Eucharist

Click on the link to join the service via Zoom.

Sunday worship, 9 August

Today some of us are gathering in person in the church at 9.30am, and others of us will be joining by Zoom. Wherever we are worshipping today, let’s rejoice in our unity in Christ.

Click on the link to join via Zoom. Have a blessed Sunday!

Wednesday 10am Eucharist

Click on the link to join us via Zoom.

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