Holy Cross Anglican Church Hackett

Sharing God's love through Beauty, Truth and Goodness with the people of Canberra’s Inner North

Sustainabillity Festival! 21 September

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Join us for the Sustaining Our Future Festival, 2-5 pm on Saturday 21 September. Talk to various action groups, “Active Travel” facilitators and ACT election candidates. Try eBikes and “BungyPump” Nordic walking. There will also be a Sausage Sizzle, and Afternoon Tea!


The communities of St Margaret’s Uniting and Holy Cross Anglican, in partnership with Dickson College are hosting a Candidates’ Forum on Active Travel from 4 pm to 5:30 pm on Saturday, September 21 as part of the 2024 North Canberra Sustainability Festival. 

College students will pose questions to candidates standing in the electorate of Kurrajong, exploring ideas and views on local transport policy.

The students, first-time voters, will draw on their insights and experience of public transport and travel infrastructure and expect to learn from what political parties and their respective candidates have to say.

Holy Cross regular Sunday worship in person and online

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All are welcome to join us for our regular Sunday Eucharist worship services at 9am each week. During school terms these include kids’ church and activities for families with young children. For those who can’t be with us in person, you are welcome to join our weekly Sunday worship online via Zoom.

Occasional joint services with St Margaret’s take place at 9.30am as noted in our church calendar.

Funeral of Althea O’Rourke, Friday 2 August, 1.30pm

For anyone wishing to view the funeral of Althea O’Rourke today at 1.30pm via Zoom, please click on the link below:


Easter Services

Sunday 10 March, 9.30am: Brunch Church!

To celebrate the Long Weekend, Holy Cross and St Margaret’s invite you to a very special Brunch Church at 9:30am.

There will be no communion service at Holy Cross this Sunday: anyone who especially wishes to receive the sacrament is warmly encouraged to take the opportunity to visit one of our sister churches, St. Johns Reid, All Saints Ainslie, or St Philips O’Connor.

The Sunday of the 4th week in Lent is linked to two beautiful medieval traditions: “Laetare Sunday”, when Christians take a day of celebration in the midst of their Lenten penitence; and “Mothering Sunday”, which isn’t actually about human mothers … but marks the day when servants were given leave from their duties to return to their home villages and attend their Mother Church.

Finally, as many of you know, Mothering Sunday is the traditional date for baking simnel cakes – if you are lucky, you may even find one on the menu at brunch! For more information check out:  https://britishfoodhistory.com/2018/03/19/simnel-cake/

Let’s Celebrate St Margaret’s – No 9 am Service

St Margaret’s is celebrating their 60th Anniversary on Sunday at 10.30 am and we have decided to join their service!

This means there will be no 9 am service on Sunday and instead we would love to celebrate with them and see you at 10.30 am!

Sunday 28 January: Aboriginal Sunday

North Canberra Nativity Festival, 7-11 December

Join us for the fabulous North Canberra Nativity Festival this weekend … and remind yourself of the meaning of the season!

There’s something for everyone on the Festival programme this year – including probably the best Carols by Candlelight in the Inner North.

For more info, check out the Festival FaceBook page.

Choir Concert: “Songs of Heaven and Earth”

Join us for a fabulous concert featuring Holy Cross & St Margaret’s Good Faith Choir (directed by Susan Reid) and Canberra Community Voices (directed by Ken Teoh).

Tickets by donation (recommended $15, $10 concession) are available at www.holycrosshackett.org.au/concert


Join us for Christmas at Holy Cross!

Come all to Holy Cross fete, 10-3 Sat 18 Nov

Come along to our Holy Cross fete, a fabulous community event with food, goods and fun!

10am-3pm Saturday 18 November

Enjoy scones and tea in the morning, and sit in the sun listening to live music for lunch while enjoying food from around the world.

Pick up repurposed treasures from our bookstall, clothes and famous white elephant, and get ready for Christmas with handmade crafts, jams, gifts, cards and beautiful decorations.

Let your kids have fun on the jumping castle, kids’ games and face painting, then end the day with gelato, cake and lemonade.

All welcome!

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