Sharing God's love through Beauty, Truth and Goodness with the people of Canberra’s Inner North

Author: Tim Watson Page 9 of 17

Wednesday 10am Eucharist

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Sunday worship, 8 November

A very warm welcome to our service at Holy Cross this morning. Today, following the seasonal theme of All Saints, two of our church members – Rev Joan Smith and Trish Stoddart – will be sharing their stories of saints who have inspired them in their life of faith.

Click on the link to join us via Zoom. Have a blessed Sunday!

Wednesday Eucharist 10am

Click on the link to join us via Zoom.

Sunday worship, 1 November

Welcome to Holy Cross for our celebration of All Saints Day. Our guest preacher today is Christine Ledger, speaking about “saints” who have inspired her – notably the Australian Anglican Bishop Vernon Cornish (whose biography she has just written).

Click on the link to join us via Zoom. Have a blessed Sunday!

Wednesday 10am Eucharist

Click on the link to join us via Zoom.

Wednesday 10am Eucharist

Click on the link to join us via Zoom.

Sunday worship, 18 October

Today we are holding a special joint service at 10am to farewell Rev Chris Lockley, minister of St Margaret’s Uniting Church, with whom we have worked in joyful cooperating partnership for several years. Every blessing to Chris and Madeleine as they begin a new stage of life in retirement.

Click on the link to join us via Zoom. Have a blessed Sunday!

Wednesday Eucharist, 14 October, 10am

Click on the link to join us via Zoom.

Sunday worship, 11 October

You are very welcome to join us for our Sunday Eucharist at 9.00am today. Our guest presider and preacher is the Revd Ian Chaplin.

Click on the link to join us via Zoom. Have a blessed Sunday!

Wednesday Eucharist, 10am

Click on the link to join us via Zoom.

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