Ecumenical service of reconciliation and healing at the Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture

This year the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity coincides with National Reconciliation Week. ACT Churches have organised an ecumenical service of reconciliation and healing, followed by refreshments.

4.30pm Sunday 29 May
Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture
15 Blackall Street, Barton

All are welcome to gather for the lighting of the fire at 4pm at the Meeting Place fire circle. The service will begin outside at 4.30pm, before moving inside to the Chapel after sunset at 5pm.

The service will include an act of acknowledgement and commemoration led by Making Peas/ce reconiliation ministry, focussing on colonial era conflicts.

Please invite your friends and download and share the poster.

At this time, the ACT Churches Council invite all Canberra churches to reflect on how to listen to the “Uluru Statement from the Heart” and respond in real and practical ways.

Our 9am morning service at Holy Cross Hackett on Sunday 29 May will focus on how Holy Cross can respond to the call from the Uluru Statement from the Heart, reflect on our journey and commitment for reconciliation, and understand our own place in this wider story.