Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God.

Hebrews 13:16

Members of Holy Cross support many ministries beyond our walls, but we are equally committed to discerning what it means to give what we can of our ‘Time, Talents and Treasure’ to strengthen our shared life and ministries within our own community.

Those who wish to support the church through your offerings can do so in three ways:

1. Directly through Tithely

2. By direct debit

If you have access to the internet, this is the simplest and best way to give and many parishioners already do this.  Monthly is the best frequency.

The bank details for Holy Cross Anglican Church Hackett are:
Bank: AIDF
BSB: 702389
Account number: 05202575

You may contact your own bank directly to set up the direct debit OR you can you ask the Anglican Investment Development Fund (AIDF) to do it for you. You can find the AIDF form  at You may choose to put your name on the direct debit request or mark it anonymously as a ‘parishioner offering’.

 3. Through envelopes

If direct debit is not practical for you, the church envelope system provides a way to contribute.

While the world is faced with the extraordinary circumstances of COVID-19, the church envelope system is being continued via home collection. Simply put your offerings aside at home in a sealed envelope and we will find a trusted person to collect them in a safe, hygienic and  ‘contactless’ manner. The envelopes will then be opened, counted and banked in a way that confidentiality is maintained. Please contact if you want to be on the list for envelope collection.