Holy Cross Anglican Parish is a diverse, inclusive and welcoming local church, serving the suburbs of Canberra’s Inner North, Hackett, Dickson, Downer and Watson.
We are an intergenerational church family aged from 0 to 94, with a lively Kids’ Church which meets every Sunday during school term.
We offer contemporary liturgical Anglican worship with a creative blend of traditional and modern music.
We have a heart for social justice, and we seek to bless our community through our regular Tuckerbox ministry and various outreach activities.
Our regular services are at 9.00 am on Sundays and 10.00 am on Wednesdays.
We also hold many events and activities to help grow our community and deepen our faith.
You are very welcome to visit and to join us. If you’d like to know more, please get in touch.
Mission statement
We are a congregation in the Anglican tradition.
We are a welcoming, open and inclusive community.
We offer contemporary liturgical worship.
We value faith exploration.
We seek growth in our life.
We care for one another.
We are committed to serve our local communities and the world.
We share an ecumenical relationship with St Margaret’s Uniting Church.
Holy Cross Parish was founded in 1963 when Hackett first became a suburb. Some of our members are the original pioneer church planters, and now bring their grandchildren along. Others are younger families and more recent arrivals. We are an international community, with members from six continents and many different countries.
We have worked in cooperative partnership with St Margaret’s Uniting Church for more than fifty years, sharing our buildings and holding regular joint services. We also share the “holy roundabout” (corner of Phillip Avenue and Antill Street) with Holy Rosary Roman Catholic Church and the Australian Catholic University.