Holy Cross Anglican Church Hackett

Sharing God's love through Beauty, Truth and Goodness with the people of Canberra’s Inner North

Sunday worship, 1 November

Welcome to Holy Cross for our celebration of All Saints Day. Our guest preacher today is Christine Ledger, speaking about “saints” who have inspired her – notably the Australian Anglican Bishop Vernon Cornish (whose biography she has just written).

Click on the link to join us via Zoom. Have a blessed Sunday!

Wednesday 10am Eucharist

Click on the link to join us via Zoom.

Wednesday 10am Eucharist

Click on the link to join us via Zoom.

Sunday worship, 18 October

Today we are holding a special joint service at 10am to farewell Rev Chris Lockley, minister of St Margaret’s Uniting Church, with whom we have worked in joyful cooperating partnership for several years. Every blessing to Chris and Madeleine as they begin a new stage of life in retirement.

Click on the link to join us via Zoom. Have a blessed Sunday!

Wednesday Eucharist, 14 October, 10am

Click on the link to join us via Zoom.

bicycles and cycling options displayed at switched on cycles stall

Creative festival connecting community, faith and sustainability

In a spirit of community building and healing, the faith communities of Holy Cross Anglican and St Margaret’s Uniting in Hackett in Canberra’s inner north recently hosted a festival focussed on sustainability.

Stall with seed packets and stallholder demonstrating seed sourcing
A stallholder from Canberra Seed Savers shares the fruits of their work

The ‘Sustaining Our Future’ Festival on the weekend of September 19-20 brought together local groups and speakers to offer information on climate change and inspiration on how to reduce one’s individual or household waste and carbon footprint. 

“During these pandemic times, it’s even more important we find ways to get together safely and discuss common concerns, be inspired and make a difference,” said Reverend Chris Lockley of St Margaret’s.

People were able to test ride electric bikes and learn about composting. There was also a concert in the church featuring  singer-songwriter Lucy Sugerman and local youth bands, a visual arts exhibition, and an ecumenical ‘Celebration of Creation’ worship service.  

Dickson College students facilitate the ACT Candidates' Forum
Dickson College students facilitate the ACT Candidates’ Forum

The program included an ACT election candidates forum moderated by Dickson College students. 

“It was a great opportunity for our young people, who have a lot invested in a low-carbon future, to quiz local candidates about their sustainability policies ahead of the October poll,” said Reverend Tim Watson of Holy Cross.

This event, the first of its kind in Hackett, demonstrated the potential of the venue for more community events in the future where people can gather for spiritual and personal resourcing, community development, and to encourage each other in working for the Common Good.” 

The Festival was organised as part of Holy Cross/St Margaret’s joint Carbon Action Project, launched earlier this year. Both churches have committed to make their operations carbon neutral within two years, and to help church members and the local community take climate change seriously through local action and engagement.

The once-fixed pews in the ecumenical Hackett church were recently removed to allow for more dynamic and mixed uses of the interior worship space. 

Audiences enjoying the live music concert at the end of a great day

“The event was joyful and inclusive, and it put our mandate to evangelise as followers of Jesus into practice in so many different ways. It was a real celebration of beauty (art, music, God’s creation), truth (political debate, scientific and practical learning) and goodness (community, social and environmental action)”, said Reverend Watson.

“It also resonated with Bishop Mark’s encouraging comment about enabling people to return to church after lockdown: ‘re-integrating people to community through community, and helping us think about how we could implement similar steps with people who’ve never been part of our gathered worship’,” Rev. Watson added. 

The two ministers also thanked volunteers who worked hard to make it happen. 

“So many people made the event work. There were many hours served planning it and then during – to ensure it was safe and kept the festival moving along,” said Rev. Lockley.

Large glass and recycled metal snail pedalled on the church lawns
Pedal Powered Snail by Kinetic Sculptures

Sunday worship, 11 October

You are very welcome to join us for our Sunday Eucharist at 9.00am today. Our guest presider and preacher is the Revd Ian Chaplin.

Click on the link to join us via Zoom. Have a blessed Sunday!

Wednesday Eucharist, 10am

Click on the link to join us via Zoom.

Sunday worship, 4 October

You are very welcome to join us for our Sunday Eucharist at 9.00am today. Don’t forget that Daylight Saving will make it feel like 8.00am! If you are an hour late, come along and join us for morning tea anyway. Our guest presider and preacher is the Revd Ian Chaplin.

Click on the link to join us via Zoom. Have a blessed Sunday!

Wednesday Eucharist, 10am

Click on the link to join us via Zoom.

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