Alpha is a ten-week course for believers and questioners, comprising food, a video, and a time of open discussion. It’s a simple and effective way to invite people on a journey exploring faith, held in an atmosphere of hospitality, inclusivity, and welcome, and has been used to great effect in many diverse church contexts.
Reverend Tim and Kate Watson explain more about their experiences of Alpha here:
Alpha Youth is focused on providing our young people with a great opportunity both to explore their faith questions and go deeper in fellowship with each other. It provides a safe and supportive space for young people to ask any questions they wish – about faith, spirituality, and the purpose and meaning of our lives. It can also be a step towards confirmation, as young people explore whether they want to renew their baptismal promises and make a public commitment as young Christians in their own right.
Holy Cross is partnering with Holy Rosary Catholic Church and St Margaret’s Uniting Church to offer Alpha courses for both young people and adults. For more information, contact