To celebrate the Long Weekend, Holy Cross and St Margaret’s invite you to a very special Brunch Church at 9:30am.

There will be no communion service at Holy Cross this Sunday: anyone who especially wishes to receive the sacrament is warmly encouraged to take the opportunity to visit one of our sister churches, St. Johns Reid, All Saints Ainslie, or St Philips O’Connor.

The Sunday of the 4th week in Lent is linked to two beautiful medieval traditions: “Laetare Sunday”, when Christians take a day of celebration in the midst of their Lenten penitence; and “Mothering Sunday”, which isn’t actually about human mothers … but marks the day when servants were given leave from their duties to return to their home villages and attend their Mother Church.

Finally, as many of you know, Mothering Sunday is the traditional date for baking simnel cakes – if you are lucky, you may even find one on the menu at brunch! For more information check out: